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import {World} from 'picoes/src/world.js'
public class | source


Class for world.

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

constructor(options: object)

Constructs an instance of the world.

Member Summary

Public Members
public set

Registers all components in an object.

public get

Returns currently registered components.

public set

context(data: Object)

Sets a context object that is automatically injected into all existing and new systems.

public get

context: *

Returns currently set context object.

public set

Registers additional systems, in the order specified.

public get

systems: *

Returns currently added systems, in the order added.

Method Summary

Public Methods


Removes all entities from the world.


component(name: string, componentClass: function): string

Registers a component type to the world.


each(args: ...Object): Entity[]

Iterate through components and entities with all of the specified component names


Creates a new entity in the world


run(args: ...Object)

Calls run() on all systems.


system(systemClass: Function, args: ...Object)

Registers a system to the world.

Public Constructors

public constructor(options: object) source

Constructs an instance of the world.


options object
  • optional

The initial systems, components, and context to setup in the world. Each one is optional. See below for registering these after world construction.


const world = new World({
  components: { position, velocity },
  systems: [Input, Physics, Render],
  context: { state },

Public Members

public set components source

Registers all components in an object. Merges with existing registered components.


world.components = { position: Position }

public get components: * source

Returns currently registered components.


const { position: Position } = world.components

public set context(data: Object) source

Sets a context object that is automatically injected into all existing and new systems. Calling this multiple times will overwrite any previous contexts passed. One caveat is that you can only start to use the injected context in systems starting with init(). It is not available in the constructor.


const state = { app: new PIXI.Application() }
const world = new World()
world.context = state // new and existing systems can directly use this.app

public get context: * source

Returns currently set context object.


const { app } = world.context

public set systems source

Registers additional systems, in the order specified. See world.system().


world.systems = [inputSystem, movementSystem]

public get systems: * source

Returns currently added systems, in the order added.


const [inputSystem, movementSystem] = world.systems

Public Methods

public clear() source

Removes all entities from the world. Does not affect any registered systems or components.



public component(name: string, componentClass: function): string source

Registers a component type to the world. Components must be constructable. If the component has an onCreate(), it is passed all of the arguments from methods like entity.set(). Also, components can have an onRemove() method, which gets called when removing that component from an entity.


name string

The name

componentClass function

The component class, must be a constructable class or function



Registered component name on success, undefined on failure


world.component('myComponent', class {
    // It is highly recommended to use onCreate() over constructor(), because the component
    // will have already been added to the entity. In the constructor(), it is not safe to use
    // "entity" because it does not contain the current component while still in the constructor.
    onCreate(some, args) {
        this.some = some
        this.args = args
        this.entity.set('whatever') // this.entity is auto-injected, and this is safe to do here
// entity === the new entity object
// some === 10
// args === 500
world.entity().set('myComponent', 10, 500)

public each(args: ...Object): Entity[] source

Iterate through components and entities with all of the specified component names


args ...Object

Can pass component names, arrays of component names, and a callback, in any order.

{...string}: The component names to match entities with. This checks if the entity has ALL of the specified components, but does not check for additional components.

{Function}: The callback to call for each matched entity. Takes (entity.data, entity). Entity data is an object of {[componentName]: [component]}, that can be destructured with syntax shown in the examples.



If no callback is specified, then returns an array of the entity results.


// Use a callback to process entities one-by-one
// This is the recommended way, as it is higher performance than allocating and
// returning an array
world.each('comp', ({ comp }) => { comp.value = 0 })
// Get an array of entities
const entities = world.each('comp')
for (const entity of entities) {...}
// Pass multiple components, arrays, use extra entity parameter,
// and destructure components outside the query
world.each('compA', ['more', 'comps'], 'compB', ({ entity, compA, compC }) => {
  if (compC) compC.foo(compC.bar)
  compA.foo = 'bar'

public entity(): Entity source

Creates a new entity in the world



The new entity created



public run(args: ...Object) source

Calls run() on all systems. These methods can return true to cause an additional rerun of all systems. Reruns will not receive the args passed into run(), as a way to identify reruns.


args ...Object
  • optional

The arguments to forward to the systems' methods


// Example flow of method call order:
// Setup systems:
// During world.run():
// systemA.run()
// systemB.run()

public system(systemClass: Function, args: ...Object) source

Registers a system to the world. The order the systems get registered, is the order then run in.


systemClass Function

The system class to instantiate. Can contain a constructor(), init(), run(), or any other custom methods/properties.

args ...Object
  • optional

The arguments to forward to the system's constructor and init. Note that it is recommended to use init if using context, see world.context. Passing args here is still useful, because it can be specific to each system, where the same context is passed to all systems.


// Movement system (basic example)
class MovementSystem {
  run(dt) {
    world.each('position', 'velocity', ({ position, velocity }) => {
      position.x += velocity.x * dt
      position.y += velocity.y * dt
// Input system (advanced example)
class InputSystem {
  init(key) {
    // Have access to this.keyboard here, but not in constructor
    this.key = key
  run(dt) {
    if (this.keyboard.isPressed(this.key)) {
      world.each('controlled', 'velocity', ({ velocity }, entity) => {
        // Start moving all controlled entities to the right
        velocity.x = 1
        velocity.y = 0
        // Can also use the full entity here, in this case to add a new component
// Inject context (see world.context)
world.context = { keyboard: new Keyboard() }
// Register systems in order (this method)
world.system(InputSystem, 'w') // pass arguments to init/constructor
// Run systems (can get dt or frame time)
world.run(1000.0 / 60.0)